Hola a todos! We are two business students from Stenden university in Leeuwarden and we are currently living in Spain for 5 months. We are here in order to study at a different university, get to know a new culture, new people and of course learn and improve our Spanish. We want to share our experiences (good and bad) with you and we hope you enjoy it! Hasta luego!

3 Mar 2015

BARCELONA - ESN National Event

Last weekend (27th of February until 1st of March) we went to Barcelona with other Erasmus students on an organized trip from ESN. Dawe had already been to Barcelona before, but it was the first time for Marie, thus she was rather excited to see the city! We will share with you some of our impressions from the trip :)

Day 1 - Friday
On Friday we left Zaragoza around 4.30pm, original meeting time was supposed to be at 4pm, but as Marie lives with two of the coordinators and they were late, everyone had to wait for them. Nothing unusual in Spain, as you can always plan in some time for waiting. After 4 hours (more or less) we finally arrived in Barcelona, we stayed at the Generator Hostel, which had an impressive and unique design throughout the entire building. We had a room for 8 people with a bathroom and two sinks, which was pretty good. The room was tiny, but acceptable for sleeping. It also has a bar and a restaurant and due to lack of time, we decided to eat there. The offer of 7€ for Paella sounded convincing and we ordered one in order to share, as it was advertised for two people. HAHA when the food arrived it was definitely only for one person and we soon had to discover that food in Barcelona is a lot more expensive than in Zaragoza. After dinner we left with the entire group in order to go out, first in a bar, which was huge, but played rather strange music and then for Razzmatazz, which is one of the more famous locations in Barcelona. When we arrived a huge queue had already formed and we lost half of the people outside. People were pushing and fighting in line, which was rather annoying, thankfully after 30minutes we managed to get inside. The place was enormous!!!! North and South side, stairs up and down in different directions, 5 different floors and as soon as you lost someone, you could be sure you won't be able to find this person again. The evening was fun, but at 5am, we decided to head home in order to be fit for the city tour the following morning.

Day 2 - Saturday
The last people came home at 6.30am and breakfast was from 9-10am and at 11am we were supposed to leave for the city tour. We got up in time to have a shower, big breakfast and to pack our bags.
At 11am we waited downstairs with many other students for our guide in order to start the tour, again waiting...........at 11.45am finally the guy arrived and we started walking. The weather was amazing, 21 degrees in the sun, we took off all our jackets, scarves and walked around in t-shirts. First, we went to Sagrada Familia, then Gaudi house and the main shopping street, with places like Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Nike and other really expensive stores. We continued walking to the Arc the Triumph and throughout the Ciutadella Parc. Afterwards we walked to the Barri Gotic, where we visited a church and another place with a secret garden inside. EVERYTHING DONE BY WALKING.....around 6pm we finally finished the tour and everyone was exhausted, thus we went home and had a late siesta. At 9.30pm our room started to wake up and the next activity was about to happen, again party! We were starving and definitely wanted to eat something, thus we decided to call one of Marie's friends, who lives in Barcelona. You can call us abuelos (grandparents), because we didn't feel like partying/drinking and we preferred to have a calm evening. Marie's friend sent us an address and we met her 25 minutes later in a very cute, cheap and very delicious tapas bar. We had some good food and of course sangria. After dinner, we had a nice walk and headed back to the hostel around 1am, expecting everybody has left for the party.....BUT our French guy stayed home, so we weren't alone in the room, which was nice.

Day 3 - Sunday
On Sunday we needed to have breakfast between 8-9 am as we had to check out at 10am. Some of our friends came home again at 6.30am, so we already thought that our departure will be definitely delayed. On time, like always (German punctuality!) we checked out and waited for the rest to wake up and come down to the bus. Only 30 minutes later than planned we left for our last activity in Barcelona, which included some typical Spanish performances. One of them was "Castells", which is probably the most famous, includes people building a human pyramid. This was impressive and scary to watch!! We received a small lunch afterwards and left Barcelona at 2pm!

Overall, the trip was a great experience, it was fun to go with the Erasmus students, but for us personally it was a little bit too focused on the party aspect. We enjoyed Saturday, where we could explore the city and have a great typical Spanish dinner. We already know that we won't join another trip from Erasmus again and rather go on our own or with other friends. So, our advice is, if you want to join an Erasmus trip, be prepared for lots of partying and don't expect to see too much from the place.

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